Wake me up when September ends

Jadinya September sudah berlalu dan hari ini bermula la bulan baru iaitu October. September yang lepas merupakan bulan construction bagi aku. Bina kembali apa yang perlu dibina. Hati dan semangat. Fizikal dan emosi.

September juga merupakan bulan mengenal orang baru. Bukan teman pengganti. Hanya kawan. Menambah kenalan. Ah ayat cliche. Kini sudah sebulan kami berkenalan. Banyak kali juga dia memberi hint. Hint apa? Hint segala. Lampu hijau. You name it. Cuma aku suka melengahkan niat dia. Aku baru saja broken hearted and he came to me and confessed everything. I couldn't differentiate whether he is serious or just being another jerk.

Cuti hari Malaysia lepas, aku dan kawan college decided pergi Kundasang. Kundasang is the "asian New Zealand". Everything went as what we planned except for the watching black and white cows at Mesilau. We're too late when we arrived at the top and that day almost over. Strong windy day. Macam nak terbang segala-gala. Apa pun, we all enjoy that moment. What a nice trip :)

Latest activities was futsal and choir. Futsal patutnya team perempuan college aku ikut bertanding but last minute the organizer tarik balik our entry because only two team sent their entry. So, hanya team lelaki yang ikut. Itupun both team kalah. Anyhow, pengalaman itu yang penting to them. Same goes to me. Akhirnya, reti jugak skill tendang bola. For the choir, our batch dapat tempat ke-3. Memula tu kena announced our batch dapat saguhati. Everyone from my batch kecewa but I know there was a mistake about the result. Hell yeah result changed!

Next week start cuti mid sem. So this week gonna be a hectic week for me. Test and assignment. Le sigh. Well this is the life of student. I have to accept. Am not going to write more crap so until here. Till we meet again. Chiao :)

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